Being a part of Family Promise has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. There is no doubt in my mind that the problem of homeless families can be solved, but it requires the participation of the community and the resources each community has available.
I was originally introduced to Family Promise through the temple that I have attended for most of my life. It was encouraging to discover that not only my temple, but many other religious organizations have committed themselves to helping the less fortunate in our community: the homeless families that have faced adversity and loss but never gave up. I will admit that before my temple got involved, I felt helpless and incapable of making a difference in the life of any homeless person or family.
When I learned that Family Promise had a national program operating that provided something more than comforting words and prayers of hope, I was more than interested. Yes, I was a little hesitant, wondering what type of people I might encounter during such a project. But you know what? What I learned was that every one of these homeless families were just like me: they had dreams, desires, and a will to overcome the problems that left them homeless.
I also learned that I should feel fortunate, not proud, that I have a job and a home, and that I also have something else I can give: my time and my love for all human beings. Since I have become involved, I have shared my experience and excitement with others in my community, who are themselves now getting involved. In fact, my employer owns a restaurant and this past Halloween, they provided meals for all of the families that were staying at our temple, along with Trick or Treat bags for all of the kids. I have also found a friend who has a hairstyling business and is now offering free haircuts for moms and kids.
We live in rich times, yet most of us struggle, so we can relate to the trials and obstacles that homeless families face on a daily basis. There is nothing quite as satisfying as playing a board game with some kids, helping them get prepared for school, and showing them how to learn more self-sufficiency and independence, even when the going is rough.
If the idea of homelessness is equally upsetting to you, there is a real and direct solution called Family Promise. Share the good word and news with your neighbors, family, and friends, and let us all work in unison to wipe out homelessness in this generation!