Friday, May 13, 2016

A Shining Star in Atlanta

There is a special shining star in Atlanta, Georgia that goes by the name of The Giving Kitchen. This charitable organization was formed specifically to provide aid and assistance to local restaurant workers in need due to medical situations that have spiraled out of control.

Formed by Ryan and Jen Hidinger and launched in 2014, The Giving Kitchen has made incredible strides in such a short period of time. They have been able to raise and grant to over 365 individuals more than $650,000 in direct financial aid, and this is merely the beginning of the work that they have planned for the future. In addition to this direct gifting program, The Giving Kitchen remains front and center on any issues that can and do impact restaurant workers, including chefs, line cooks, waitpersons, and even dishwashers and other seemingly minor positions in any restaurant or bar.

For instance, a recent setback by a local chain of restaurants forced their immediate closure, while leaving more than 1,000 restaurant workers out of jobs. News of this tragic event reached The Giving Kitchen, and into action they went! They contacted other restaurants and personnel and sought their assistance in helping this group of unfortunate and now unemployed workers. With their connections and influence, this ad hoc group were able to network with other professionals and colleagues in order to dig up new work positions while simultaneously offering immediate assistance by having some local restaurants donating meals and foods for the families affected by this blow.

It is not that often that someone stumbles across such a shining star as can be found at The Giving Kitchen. Readers are encouraged to discover more of the background and history of The Giving Kitchen at their website. Of particular and poignant interest is the reason why Ryan and Jen Hidinger decided to devote their energies to this important and vital program. Of equal value is to read about their upcoming programs and projects designed to help save and improve the lives of their fellow workers in Atlanta.