There is nothing quite as inspiring or motivating as discovering a successful and thriving organization that was created in order to serve local interests. In Atlanta, Georgia, something emerged from the local restaurant community that perfectly captures the spirit and purpose of helping one another out in times of need or crisis. Although fairly new on the scene, The Giving Kitchen has made its mark by raising funds through the support many of the local restaurants and a variety of efforts, such as fundraisers, feasts, and beer festivals.
The Giving Kitchen focuses on giving direct assistance to people who work in the restaurant industry in the greater Atlanta area and have encountered medical problems, either through illness or accident. These people find themselves facing medical bills and unable to work while they are dealing with treatments or recovery, and to have a group like this appear and offer its help through direct contributions must often feel like an unbelievable miracle to the recipient of their generosity.
This organization continues to raise awareness and much needed funds for its nonstop efforts to help their colleagues and friends, all of whom are very much like a huge extended family. It is particularly inspiring to see that their direct involvement made a difference and helped another person to get back into participating in and contributing to society.
Equally inspiring is the enthusiastic participation of so many other local restaurants who understand what it means to serve their own community with love and support. In many different fashions, other restaurants have promoted and sponsored the good work of The Giving Kitchen, either through fundraisers, food and drink celebrations and festivals, or direct donations from sales.
The bottom line that measures the success of this organization is the amount of money that has been placed in the hands of people in need, and that sum is indeed worth noting. To date, more than $500,000 has directly helped over 325 people who have faced medical crises or are seeking treatments and recovery.
Those numbers clearly show The Giving Kitchen to be a success that everyone hopes will be around for many more years to come.