It is not every day that you run across a charitable organization that works at a ground level and gets a lot accomplished, particularly in their first couple of years. However, that is precisely what The Giving Kitchen was able to do in less than two years of focused and dedicated effort.
Established and launched in 2014 and operating out of Atlanta, Georgia, The Giving Kitchen has one very clear and important purpose, which is to offer direct financial assistance to workers in the Atlanta restaurant industry when one of them ends up facing a medical crisis. Oftentimes, the illness or accident is unrelated to their work, but from the perspective of The Giving Kitchen, a person who is in financial need due to a crisis does not need to have someone determine whether that particular crisis or cause of need is properly qualified and approved by some rigid set of guidelines.
To date, The Giving Kitchen has granted over $650,000 to more than 350 deserving recipients, and they are just beginning to gain momentum. Much credit is also given to the more than 400 local restaurants who have strongly supported their cause and have gotten involved in food-related events and festivals that also serve as fundraising opportunities for The Giving Kitchen. Many local patrons also eagerly follow them and participate in their offerings as often as possible.
Finally, Staplehouse is a fine dining establishment in Atlanta that is 100% owned by The Giving Kitchen, so all of the profits from this restaurant are also dedicated to make a difference to the more than 235,000 workers in the Atlanta restaurant community. You are encouraged to visit The Giving Kitchen website in order to learn more about both the beginnings as well as the future of this unusual and inspiring charitable organization that understands the true essence of giving.