Friday, May 5, 2017

Susan Rachele on OCD vs. Anal Retentiveness

Susan Rachele on OCD vs. Anal Retentiveness

For much of her life, Susan Rachele has been called anal-retentive by her friends and colleagues, and her behavior was the source of much frustration in her personal life. However, when she found out that she had obsessive compulsive disorder, she finally understood why she had been acting the way she was.

Here’s a funny story from one of my previous jobs. I was a working as a temp in a startup, and I got assigned to the procurement department. While everyone was out negotiating with vendors, I was fine with just staying behind and reviewing contracts. I found out that I was really good at dealing with fine print when the company’s lawyer ran across me picking apart a contract and said, “Susan, I think you’re even more anal retentive than I am. And I’m the one who went to law school.”

Back then, I didn’t know what anal retentiveness was, so I did my research. I discovered that anal retentiveness was something that people got a kick out of. For example, I was good with contracts and enjoyed looking through them. But each time I got home, everything had to be in place and scrubbed clean. I spent hours in the bathroom, scrubbing the tiles, and swept the floor over and over again. While everyone loves a clean house, I felt as if something beyond the need for cleanliness was forcing me to sweep the floor.

It wasn’t until I sought out a therapist that I discovered that obsessive compulsive disorder was something more than a desire for order in my life. It wasn’t exactly a desire, but an anxiety – a fear that drove me to do things repeatedly. My therapist explained that my body dysmorphic disorder was linked to my OCD as well.

Ever since the diagnosis, I’ve been trying to overcome my OCD. And next time I hear that someone is obsessive-compulsive about her spreadsheets or copy edits, I’ll gently take her aside and explain that she isn’t exactly as OC as she claims to be – just very good at her job.

Susan Rachele is slowly making her way back to mental stability and wellness. Keep visiting this website for more updates.

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